Title: X Marks the Spot
Medium: Acrylic on Fabriano 285gms acid free
Size: 636X836mm
Price: £1 175
What’s it all about.
The Intersection of Phthalo Green and Violet
This artwork features a grid of Xs, arranged in an orderly fashion. At first glance, it may appear simplistic, but upon closer observation, the colours used make it a truly breathtaking piece.
Phthalo green and violet Xs create an intriguing combination and the contrast between the two colours, as if vying for attention, are harmoniously complement each other.
To add an element of depth and luxury, gold leaf has been judiciously incorporated in the painting. The smattering of this precious element catches the light and creates a glimmering effect that brings the artwork to life.
The grid-like arrangement of the Xs amplifies the orderliness of the artwork, creating a sense of balance and stability. However, the colors used in the piece prevent it from being static, as the eye is drawn to the intricate details and the interplay of the hues.
All in all, this artwork is a stunning display of the use of color, order and luxurious touches to create a work that's both soothing and stimulating.